
declarations of love.

Len, over at 'A little Hamster ' has these adorable little necklaces... My heart fluttered a tiny bit when I saw the note carrying pendant. Perfect for a hopeless romantic. I bet any girl would love this as a valentines day gift. 

Or do people even still celebrate valentines day anymore??  to cliche?
 ...Whatever. Cute Jewellery.

"These new necklaces are a declaration of love. I found both of them in Asia and are limited editions from Made by lennebelle. The antique heart shaped pendant which is a little box as well, was used to keep tabaco but you can put a sweet reminder in it. The other one I like to call ‘secret message necklace’, you can put just any note in it! Something between you and your love. And of course the ‘You are my number 1′ necklace is a pure declaration of love." 

p.s  her blog is cute too!

p.p.s  I love when I find cool stuff on the internet. 



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